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Flood Re is a joint initiative between the Government and insurers. Its aim is to make the flood cover part of household insurance policies more affordable.

Potential Vulnerable areas

                                                Kirkton Q&A


We talked through our communications toolkit at the event and ask that you use your own networks to share this information more widely in your communities to help us all be more resilient to the impacts of flooding.


You can access the toolkit here.


Please also find attached all the presentations that were shared at the event. Unfortunately, we were unable to record the event on this occasion, but we have already noted this as feedback for any future events.


Useful links


There were several useful links shared in the chat at the event, we have included these below in case you didn’t get a chance to take note of them.


Flood protection equipment:

Flood Barriers, Flood Defences & Flood Protection – FloodStop

Floodstop Flood Barrier Bundle 0.5m High | From Aspli Safety



RiverTrack, flood alerting for resilient communities


Scottish Flood Forum:

The Scottish Flood Forum - Supporting Flood Risk Communities


Flood Risk Management Plans:

Flood Risk Management Plans | SEPA



Funding - The National Centre for Resilience



Sign up to Floodline | Floodline


Water levels:

Find Scottish water levels information - Map View | Scottish Environment Protection Agency | SEPA


Edzell Group


Clackmannanshire Council


SEPA Presentation




Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

Soil Hydrology

I am pleased the rainfall figures have been useful and I can send them again for 2024 after December, it may be late January as it can take a few weeks for the data to be entered onto our system. Unfortunately there has been a slight loss of detail with some of the recent months. These can be missing some of the weekend values (or the value being an accumulated value over several days) as the work has been scaled back as we prepare to leave the Crichton Royal Farm to concentrate all our activities at the Barony Campus.


However, there is some other data from the last 10 years that I didn’t think about before. This is from the COSMOS project run by CEH and the Crichton farm has been a monitoring site for the last 10 years ( There are monthly updates for the sites ( ). The rainfall and other records are part of a list of data and the Crichton data are the 5 files starting with cosmos-uk_crich_hydrosoil . This data is in quite a raw form and will need pulling together in a more useable form. Unfortunately I have not had time to do this yet.


There are hydrological summaries as well (for example from September this year ) and an archive of past summaries that you might find helpful ( ).


I hope all this additional data is of use.



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